This table is the first of a number of pages containing entries extracted from the Marriages Index of General Register Office for England & Wales containing the name BENBROOK or its variants. Civil registration began 1st July 1837, and these pages cover the years 1837 to 1903, plus a few others. Any mistakes identified in the original index have been preserved, and illegible entries are marked with '?'. The search was aimed at names beginning BAM, BAN, BEM or BEN, and ending in BRICK, BROOK or BROKE, plus minor variants, such as an ending E or S. No search was made outside England & Wales, Variants like Pembrook and Pembroke were included, unlike Births and Deaths. I can offer no guarantees that this list is exhaustive, nor that it is accurate, but to the best of my ability I have tried to record everything faithfully. If you find any errors, please email me at: [email protected].
If you discover an ancestor in these pages, you will have sufficient information to send for a copy of the original certificate. To find out how to do this, refer to the Web page for more details.
The column marked 'Vol.' in the table indicates the codes for the Registration District (the 'volume' of the register), and these codes were re-assigned in 1852, changing from Roman numerals such as II, XVI, etc to part-numeric, part alphabetic codes like 3c, 4d and so on. Some of the codes occur frequently in this list, showing geographic clustering, and these have been colour-coded. They cover areas such as:
II & 1c = East End of London, including Stepney, Shoreditch, Bethnal Green, St. George in the East, Mile End, Bow, Poplar
IV & 1d = London, south of the River Thames, including Wandsworth, St. Olave, Lambeth, Bermondsey, St. Saviour
XV & 3b = Northamptonshire: Leighton Buzzard, Potterspury, Brixworth, Daventry
XII, XIII & 4a = South East Essex: Witham, Mutford, Chelmsford, Dunmow, West Ham, Epping, Braintree, Romford
XVI & 6d = The West Midlands: Warwick, Aston, Birmingham, Rugby, Stratford, Coventry, Alcester
I've used the Notes column to draw attention to some facts that may be relevant to research. For instance, that there is a distinct chance that one of the marriages also matches an entry in the births index, or that I actually possess the certificate.
1 I have a copy of the marriage certificate (and willing to do look ups)
3 The entry may be a duplicate
4 Can match with a birth (where a match has been identified, this is shown as a hyperlink)
5 Can't match with a birth (spelling? no reg? married woman? emigration?)
Year | Qtr. | Forenames | Surname | Reg. Dist/Parish | Vol. | Page | Notes |
1837 | 3 | Rose | BAMBRICK | Liverpool | XX | 56 | |
1837 | 4 | Elizabeth Ann | PEMBROOK | Blean | V | 82 | |
1837 | 4 | Elizabeth | BAMBROOK | West Bromwich | XVIII | 651 | |
1838 | 2 | Elizabeth | BEMBRICK | St. Mary Newington | IV | 338 | |
1838 | 2 | Amelia | BAMBROOKE | Tenbury | XVIII | 595 | |
1838 | 2 | Sarah | BANBROOKE | Walsall | XVIII | 213 | |
1838 | 3 | Elizabeth | PEMBROOK | Newington | IV | 352 | |
1838 | 3 | Robert William | PENBROOKE | Mutford | XIII | 653 | |
1839 | 1 | Martha | PEMBROCK | Lambeth | IV | 215 | |
1839 | 1 | Edward | BANBROOK | Warwick | XVIII | 472 | |
1839 | 2 | James | PEMBROOKE | Whitechapel | II | 461 | |
1839 | 3 | William | BENBROOK | St. Olave's | IV | 452 | 1 |
1839 | 3 | Samuel | BANBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 349 | |
1839 | 4 | Mary Anne | PEMBROOKE | Milton | V | 478 | |
1839 | 4 | Ruth | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 507 | |
1839 | 4 | Rachel | PENBROOK | Bradfield | VI | 296 | |
1839 | 4 | Hannah | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 171 | |
1840 | 1 | Ellen | BAMBRICK | Stoke Damerel | IX | 509 | |
1840 | 1 | Dinah | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 113 | |
1840 | 1 | Ellen | BAMBRICK | Manchester | XX | 499 | |
1840 | 3 | Mary | PEMBRICK | London | II | 163 | |
1840 | 4 | Ann | PEMBROKE | Westminster | I | 371 | |
1841 | 1 | George | PEMBROKE | Southampton | VII | 213 | |
1841 | 2 | Ann | BANBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 315 | |
1841 | 3 | Thomas | BAMBRICK | Witham | XIII | 443 | |
1841 | 4 | Mary | BAMBROOK | Marylebone | I | 161 | |
1841 | 4 | Mary Anne | PEMBROKE | W. London | II | 232 | |
1841 | 4 | William | BANBROOK | Bolton | XXI | 81 | |
1842 | 1 | Mary Ann | PEMBROKE | Greenwich | V | 226 | |
1842 | 2 | Milicent | BAMBROKE | Dunmow | XII | 129 | |
1842 | 2 | John | BANBROOK | Dunmow | XII | 113 | |
1842 | 3 | Jane | BAMBROKE | Dunmow | XII | 125 | |
1842 | 4 | Henry Hartpole | BAMBRICK | London | II | 113 | |
1843 | 3 | John Newton | BANBROOK | Cardigan | XXVII | 42 | |
1843 | 4 | Luke Thomas | PEMBROKE | Lambeth | IV | 284 | |
1843 | 4 | Thomas | PEMBROKE | Epping | XII | 193 | |
1844 | 1 | Abraham | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 109 | |
1844 | 2 | Joel | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 127 | |
1844 | 2 | Mary | BANBROOK | Ecclesfield | XXII | 97 | |
1844 | 3 | Edward George | BENBROOK | Greenwich | V | 274 | 1 |
1844 | 3 | Joseph | BANBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 301 | |
1844 | 4 | Mary Ann | PEMBROOK | Lambeth | IV | 333 | |
1844 | 4 | William | BAMBROOK | Stratford | XVI | 701 | |
1844 | 4 | John | BANBROOK | Warwick | XVI | 744 | |
1844 | 4 | Robert | PENBROOK | Bradford, Y | XXIII | 260 | |
1845 | 1 | Sarah | PEMBROKE | Poplar | II | 265 | |
1845 | 1 | George | BAMBROOK | W. Bromwich | XVIII | 568 | |
1845 | 2 | Sarah Matilda | PEMBROKE | Hungerford | VI | 271 | |
1845 | 2 | Charles | PEMBROOK | Kings Norton | XVIII | 499 | |
1845 | 3 | Ellen | PEMBROKE | Bradfield | VI | 205 | |
1845 | 3 | William | BAMBRICK | Tynemouth | XXVII | 399 | |
1845 | 4 | Thomas Lyon | BANBROOK | Westminster | I | 408 | |
1845 | 4 | Elizabeth | PEMBROOK | Lambeth | IV | 361 | |
1845 | 4 | Charlotte Ann | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 523 | |
1846 | 1 | Ann | PEMBROKE | Hungerford | VI | 237 | |
1846 | 1 | Thomas | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 325 | |
1846 | 1 | William | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 325 | |
1846 | 1 | Mary Ann | BANBROOK | Chelmsford | XII | 53 | |
1846 | 2 | Amy Maria | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 389 | |
1846 | 3 | Eliza | BANBROOK | St. Pancras | I | 369 | |
1846 | 3 | James William | PEMBROKE | Greenwich | V | 257 | |
1846 | 3 | Mary | PEMBROKE | Gt. Boughton | XIX | 47 | |
1846 | 3 | Sarah | BENBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 355 | |
1846 | 4 | John | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 479 | |
1846 | 4 | Thomas | BAMBROOK | Warwick | XVI | 881 | |
1846 | 4 | Hannah | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 209 | |
1847 | 2 | Thomas Ralph Pain | PEMBROOK | Eastry | V | 192 | |
1847 | 3 | Susan | PEMBROKE | Uxbridge | III | 381 | |
1847 | 3 | James | BAMBRICK | Witham | XII | 444 | |
1847 | 4 | Rhoda | PEMBROOK | Henley | XVI | 175 | |
1848 | 1 | Jane | PEMBROKE | St. Pancras | I | 254 | |
1848 | 1 | Henry | BANBROOK | Stratford | XVI | 495 | |
1848 | 2 | Ann | BANBROOK | Potterspury | XV | 577 | |
1848 | 2 | William | BENBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 319 | |
1848 | 2 | Sarah | PEMBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 411 | |
1848 | 3 | Thomas | PEMBROKE | Marylebone | I | 210 | |
1848 | 3 | Robert | BAMBRICK | Chelsea | III | 45 | |
1848 | 3 | Joseph | PEMBROOKE | Birmingham | XVI | 335 | |
1848 | 4 | Sarah | PEMBROKE | Wantage | VI | 539 | |
1848 | 4 | Eliza | BAMBROOK | Warwick | XVI | 855 | |
1849 | 2 | George | PEMBROKE | Amersham | VI | 435 | |
1849 | 4 | Emma | PEMBROOK | Rotherhithe | IV | 499 | |
1849 | 4 | William | BAMBROOK | Warwick | XVI | 893 | |
1850 | 1 | Jane | PEMBROKE | Shoreditch | II | 326 | |
1850 | 1 | Elizabeth | PEMBROKE | Manchester | XX | 345 | |
1850 | 2 | Sarah Hannah | PEMBROOKE | Dover | V | 179 | |
1850 | 2 | William Benjamin | PEMBROOKE | Dover | V | 179 | |
1850 | 2 | Mary Anne | PENBROOK | Bradfield | VI | 239 | |
1850 | 2 | Joseph | PEMBROOK | Bradford, Y | XXIII | 198 | |
1850 | 3 | Henry John | PEMBROKE | Rotherhithe | IV | 493 | |
1850 | 3 | Charlotte Ann | PEMBROKE | Mutford | XIII | 715 | |
1850 | 3 | Hannah | BANBROOK | Meriden | XVI | 519 | |
1850 | 3 | Mary Anne | PEMBROKE | Henley | XVI | 143 | |
1850 | 4 | John | PEMBROKE | Geo St. Southn | IV | 575 | |
1850 | 4 | Elizabeth | PENBROKE | Mutford | XIII | 1179 | |
1850 | 4 | Alfred | PEMBROOK | Birmingham | XVI | 625 |
You can reach other GRO index pages for Benbrooks from this table:
Births | Marriages | Deaths |
1837-1850 | 1837-1850 | 1837-1850 |
1851-1870 | 1851-1870 | 1851-1870 |
1871-1890 | 1871-1890 | 1871-1890 |
1891-1911 | 1891-1904 | 1891-1910 |
1911-1930 | 1911-1930 | |
1931-1940 | 1931-1941 |
Or you can also return to the Benbrook Family History Page.
Last Updated on 4 Oct 1998
By Howard Benbrook
Email: [email protected]